Cramp Release 2 oz Pump Top

Cramp Release 2 oz Pump Top (59ml) Item #2516

As a company with midwifery roots, WishGarden Herbs knows the special needs of women. Cramp Relief is made specifically to soothe temporary discomforts associated with a normal menstrual cycle, while supporting mood and relaxation.

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Cramp Release 2 oz Pump Top (59ml) Item #2516

Servings: Approximately 20 servings, at 8 pumps (3ml), per serving.

Std. Dose: 6-8 pumps (3ml), in water for taste. Repeat in 5 minutes, up to 4 times, if needed for symptom relief.

As a company with midwifery roots, WishGarden Herbs knows the special needs of women. Cramp Relief is made specifically to soothe temporary discomforts associated with a normal menstrual cycle, while supporting mood and relaxation.


Crampbark (Viburnum opulus), Black Cohosh root (Actaea racemosa (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa)), Catnip aerials (Nepeta cataria), Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa), Scullcap aerials (Scutellaria lateriflora)


Rocky Mountain artesian spring water, 190 proof organic wheat grain alcohol & vegetable glycerine.